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Instructional Leadership Bibliography


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Allen, L.  (2004, December).   From votes to dialogue: Clarifying the role of teachers' voices in school renewal.   Phi Delta Kappan, 86(4), 318-321.

Allen, L.  (2001, December).  From plaques to practice: How schools can breathe life into their guiding beliefs.  Phi Delta Kappan, 83(4), 289-293.Ancess, J.  (2000, June).  The reciprocal influence of teaching learning, teaching practice, school restructuring, and student learning outcomes.  Teachers College Record, 102(3), 590-619.

Alvy, H.  (2005, June).  Preventing the loss of wisdom in our schools: Respecting and retaining successful veteran teachers.  Phi Delta Kappan, 86(10), 764-766.

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Bambino, D.  (2002, March).  Critical Friends.  Educational Leadership, 59(6), 25-27.

Barth, R. R.  (2001, February).  Teacher leader.  Phi Delta Kappan, 82(6), 443-449.

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Berliner, D. C.  (1986).  In pursuit of the expert pedagogue.  Educational Researcher, 15(7), 5‑13.

Bernhardt, V.  (2005, Feb.).  Data tools for school improvement.  Educational Leadership, 62(5), 66-68.

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Boudett, K. P., Murnane, R. J., City, E., & Moody, L.  (2005, May).  Teaching educators how to use student assessment data to improve instruction.  Phi Delta Kappan, 86(9), 700-706.

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Burney, D.  (2004, March).  Craft knowledge: The road to transforming schools.  Phi Delta Kappan, 87(5), 526-531.

Burns, M.  (2002, December).  From compliance to commitment: Technology as a catalyst for communities of learning.  Phi Delta Kappan, 84(4), 295-302.

Calhoun, E. F.  (2002, March).  Action research for school improvement.  Educational Leadership, 59(6), 18-24.

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Feiler, R., Heritage, M., & Gallimore, R.  (2000, April).  Teachers leading teachers.  Educational Leadership, 57(7), 66-69.

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Fenwick, T. J.  (2001, August).  Teacher supervision through professional growth plans: Balancing contradictions and opening up possibilities.  Educational Administration Quarterly, 37(3), 401‑424.

Fernandez, C., & Chokshi, S.  (2002, October).  A practical guide to translating lesson study for a U. S. setting.  Phi Delta Kappan,
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Ferrero, D. J.  (2005, Feb).  Pathways to reform: Start with values.  Educational Leadership, 62(5), 8-14.

Fink, E., & Resnick, J. B.  (2001, April).  Developing principals as instructional leaders.  Phi Delta Kappan, 82(2), 598-606.

Finn, L. E.  (2002, March).  Using video to reflect on curriculum.  Educational Leadership, 59(6), 72‑74

Firestone, W. A., & Wilson, B. L.  (1985).  Using bureaucratic and cultural linkages to improve instruction: The principal’s contribution.  Educational Administration Quarterly, 21(2), 7‑30.

Freiberg, H. J.  (2002, March).  Essential skills for new teachers.  Educational Leadership, 59(6), 56‑60.

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Gilbert, L.  (2005, May).  What helps beginning teachers?  Educational Leadership, 62(8), 36-39.

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Guskey, T. R.  (2003, June).  What makes professional development effective?  Phi Delta Kappan, 84(10), 748-750.

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Revised: 07/15/10