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EDU 8673
Philosophy of Education

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Course Rationale

Philosophy of Education (EDUC 4290) provides aspiring educators the opportunity to inquire into the philosophical basis of many educational issues that practicing educators confront daily and, through their inquiry, students learn how to think more clearly about these issues.  The content of this course is the controversial and debatable insights of those who have posited philosophical approaches for dealing with perplexing educational issues.  In contrast, the subject of this course is the student�the aspiring educator�who will be challenged to reflect upon what an educator is, what educators do, why educators do what they do, and how educators justify all of these matters.  The fundamental premise of EDUC 4290 is that authentic educational reform begins with the subject�the educator�who is the �guardian of truth� acting wisely to foster in youth the conversion of mind and heart needed if youth are to seek truth in their own lives.